HOTEL NORTHTEL [Korea Quality] / 호텔 노스텔 [한국관광 품질인증] - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

HOTEL NORTHTEL [Korea Quality] / 호텔 노스텔 [한국관광 품질인증]

HOTEL NORTHTEL [Korea Quality] / 호텔 노스텔 [한국관광 품질인증]

17.8 Km    417     2020-12-12

128-12, Dongcheon-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu

Located in Northern Daegu, Hotel Northtel offers the best-in-class service as a business hotel. Aside from the highest-speed wired/wireless Internet and the latest computers, HDTV and cable TV with multiple channels are also available. In the business space of the lobby are a fax machine, a printer, a scanner, etc. to assist guests attending to business. The suites can accommodate up to 10 guests so that they can also have meetings there. In particular, meeting rooms are equipped with a multi-functional display that can be utilized as a beam projector, a TV and so on for interviews, conferences, presentations, seminars, etc. The air-cleaner installed in each room ensures a refreshing environment, and the LG Styler (clothes refresher) provided in selected rooms enhances customer satisfaction. It is also fun to select a room based on preference among the game room, spa room, screen room, Karaoke room, movie room, etc. Wake-up call service is available at the desired time. Situated 2 minutes away from Palgeo Station of Daegu Metro Line 3, the hotel makes travel via public transport easy.



18.2 Km    8780     2021-04-09

5-5, Sawol 1-gil, Namsan-myeon, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
+82-10-2541-1284, +82-10-4787-3314

Located in Sawol-ri, Namsan-myeon, a place known for its beautiful sandy beach, the guesthouse ‘Beautiful Life’ was built by architect Kim Gyeong-ho, and is composed of 100-year-old-hanok buildings and a courtyard with a large sophora. Designed to provide guests with a “beautiful life”, it provides both accommodation services and diverse cultural programs including exhibitions, performances, and movie screenings. Beautiful Life was conceived as a cultural tourism space set amid quiet countryside where guests can relax by enjoying exhibitions and performances, reading a book, listening to music, or getting lost in thought amid the serene atmosphere of the house. The owner transformed the abandoned house into a beautiful hanok stay after falling under the charm of the quiet location and the old house with its beautiful old tree and well. The guestrooms include Jewoldang, Yeorakdang, Uiyeoldang, and Heosimjeong. The first of these is a 100-year-old hanok structure with a tiled roof, which can be rented in its entirety. Its name, Jewoldang, roughly means “a place to pick up the moon” because the moon is visible above the sephora in the courtyard from the daecheong (wooden floor) on bright moonlit nights. Its ‘ㅡ’-shaped structure and ceiling rafters are original features of the old hanok, while the kitchen and bathroom were entirely renovated, as was the attic on the second floor, lending a special atmosphere to the house. As for the Yeorakdang, which means ‘a house to enjoy together,’ it was converted from a storeroom for apples into a building that can accommodate groups of guests and also screen movies. The Uiyeoldang, meaning ‘a house to discuss and study together,’ was built by transforming the haengrangchae (servants’ quarters) and the stable into a reading space and a seminar room, respectively. Finally, the Heosimjeong, meaning ‘a pavilion where one can empty one’s mind’, is the ideal place for relaxing in small groups. Each of these four buildings is built in a modern style with wooden materials, glass windows, and staircases. There is also an outdoor stage equipped with a sound system for special performances.

Centre national scientifique de Daegu (국립대구과학관)

18.6 Km    2140     2023-01-05

20, Techno-daero 6-gil, Dalseong-gun, Daegu

Au Centre des sciences de Daegu, les enfants peuvent découvrir le monde des sciences tout en participant à des activités pratiques.

Village de la ferme Guam (구암팜스테이마을)

Village de la ferme Guam (구암팜스테이마을)

18.6 Km    29670     2019-04-11

38 Guam-gil Dong-gu Daegu

* Village Guam, village de maison traditionnelle*
Le village Guam est facile à trouver grâce à sa situation géographique situé près de la ville. Le village a été nommé comme ceci dû aux neuf (gu (구) en coréen) pierres ressemblant à des tortues.
 *Cueillir des produits agricoles au village Guam *
Vous pouvez participer aux programmes d'agricultures dès le printemps en semant les graines et en triant les pommes bien mûries.
 Il y a non seulement des pommes mais aussi d'autres fruits de saison comme des raisisn, des pêches et des marrons pendant toute l'année. Cueillir les pommes et les marrons est devenue une expérience courrante parmi les enfants de la région. Par ailleurs, pour encourager les gens à participer au Farm Stay, Nonghyup organise des fermes de week-end où vous pouvez récoltez vos légumes vous-même pendant les week-ends.

Ecole des Hanoks de Cheongdo (청도한옥학교)

Ecole des Hanoks de Cheongdo (청도한옥학교)

19.0 Km    3237     2021-08-10

156, Yangjeong-gil, Hwayang-eup, Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Située sur les flancs du Mont Namsan (lieu du point de repère de Cheongdo-gun, la Cascade Nakdae), l'Ecole Hanok de Cheongdo est un centre d'enseignement pour les charpentiers spécialisés dans l'architecture traditionnelle coréenne (Hanok).

Les Hanoks (maisons traditionnelles coréennes) possèdent une certaine valeur culturelle et historique et l'école a gagné en popularité parmi les charpentiers d'une part et ceux intéressés par le plaisir et le soutien envers la fierté de l'histoire architecturale de Corée d'autre part. L'entrée de cette école est marquée par une grande "Neowa" traditionnelle (maison avec une toiture faite de bardeaux de pins épais et inachevés) qui attire immédiatement le regard.

L'école propose trois types de cours. Il existe en effet un cours sur les bases de la charpenterie, enseignant la fabrication d'objets et structures en bois, un cours pour les charpentiers professionnels, et un cours enseignant à ces derniers comment construire une hanok. Les programmes pratiques offrent quant à eux la possibilité aux visiteurs de créer une fenêtre traditionnelle et de scier et raboter du bois. Il existe également des programmes culturels déstinés aux enfants ainsi qu'à leurs parents. Ils pourront préparer des gâteaux de riz, faire cuire des pataces douces, ou bien participer à un séminaire sur les maisons traditionnelles coréennes. A noter que les programmes culturels varient selon les saisons.

Terminal des bus interurbains de Cheongdo

19.7 Km    1790     2015-11-26

827 Gosu-ri Cheongdo-eup Cheongdo-gun Gyeongsangbuk-do