Musée de la calligraphie Gangam (강암서예관) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Musée de la calligraphie Gangam (강암서예관)

Musée de la calligraphie Gangam (강암서예관)

518.3354973826583m    3704     2024-04-07

74, Jeonjucheondong-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Inauguré en 1995, le musée Gang-am est un établissement spécialisé en calligraphie. Situé dans le village des hanok (maisons traditionnelles coréennes) de Jeonju, il expose environ mille œuvres de calligraphes illustres tel que Kim Jeong-Hui (1786-1856, peintre, calligraphe et savant), Lee Sam-Man (1770-1845, calligraphe), Kim Hong-Do (1745- ?, peintre), Jeong Yak-yong (1762-1836, savant), etc.. Le musée s’étend sur 872 ㎡, il comporte des salles d’expositions et des salles de conférences. Sa collection comprend 1.162 pièces.

Siwon [Korea Quality] / 시원 [한국관광 품질인증]

Siwon [Korea Quality] / 시원 [한국관광 품질인증]

519.29553166238m    11550     2024-04-07

45-41, Omokdae-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Situated within Jeonju Hanok Village, Siwon is a hanok experience hall designated by the local government. The names of its individual rooms carry such meanings as “a wish for a life full of love, health and joy”. Each room (except the Gadeukbang) has a small attic where guests can have fun climbing up and down a ladder.
The clay structure with a wood shingle roof is the source of many fond memories for the owner, a permanent fixture of the village, who was born and grew up in the house. The house was once called “the house of persimmon trees in Ssangsiam alley”.
Although the framework of the house was completed in 1954, it has only been open to tourists since it was repaired and renovated in 2014. The house has been fully insulated against draughts and sound-proofed, transforming into a comfortable, cozy guest house that retains the unique beauty of a traditional Korean hanok.
The house’s yard contains a small flower garden and a swing, as well as a space where guests can play tuho, a traditional game in which the players try to throw sticks into a canister, jaegichagi, and other traditional games. In addition, guests can try their hand at woodcraft by cutting and carving pieces of wood into artworks of their own making.
A number of attractions are within walking distance of Siwon, including Gyeonggijeon Shrine, which contains the portrait of King Taejo Seong-gye Yi, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty; Jeondong Cathedral, which features a European architectural design; Omokdae, where King Taejo defeated the Japanese army and held a banquet; Jeonjuhyanggyo Local Confucian School; Namcheon Bridge and Cheonyeonru Pavilion; Nambu Market, a foodies’ paradise; and the Youth Mall

Hanokhyeyum[Korea Quality] / 한옥혜윰[한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

Hanokhyeyum[Korea Quality] / 한옥혜윰[한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

538.5941990504294m    103     2024-04-07

42-5, Hyanggyo-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Located in Jeonju Hanok Village, Hanok Hyeyum offers a traditional “hanok” (traditional Korean house) experience to its guests. The Korean term “hyeyum” means “thought,” and the hostel’s name pertains to the owners’ wishes of providing new feelings and thoughts to visitors. Its design faithfully brings the feel of the grain on the timber, which was possible with the participation of Daemokjang and Somokjang artisans specializing in hanok construction. The hanging sign at the entrance is carved by a Mokjogakjang, an artisan carpenter and holder of Intangible Cultural Property, and the same spirit of dedication and passion can be found throughout the building. There are six rooms in total, all Korean-style with exposed rafters, handwritten calligraphy, dainty furniture, and masterful teacups. Guests can also find a surprise welcome package of face mask packs. All rooms have modern and sleek bathrooms, while some rooms come with small attic spaces. Hanok Hyeyum also offers pickup services to solo female travelers from the Jeonju Bus Terminal or Jeonju Station, and a complimentary breakfast with a seasonal menu, including items like rice cakes, egg, sweet potato, fruits, and coffee.

Hanok Garden in Jeonju [Korea Quality] / 전주한옥마당 [한국관광 품질인증]

Hanok Garden in Jeonju [Korea Quality] / 전주한옥마당 [한국관광 품질인증]

546.5701061220882m    249     2024-04-07

80-13, Jeonjucheondong-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Jeonju Hanok Madang is located in the Jeonju Hanok Village. Jeonjucheon Stream and Namcheongyo Bridge are only one block away, whereas Gangam Calligraphy Museum, Jeonjuhyangyo Confucian School, Jeonju Hanbyuk Culture Center, Nambu Market, and Markbu Market Youth Mall are nearby. Major attractions of the Jeonju Hanok Village such as Gyeonggijeon, Jeondong Catholic Cathdral, and Omokdae are also within walking distance. The main building and servants’ quarters of Jeonju Hanok Madang were built in 1941. It was renovated to retain the original shape of the traditional hanok, yet cozy and comfortable enough for modern people to use. Porches are attached to every room while Faith Room and Hope Room have additional inner floors attached to it. Inside the rooms are rafters, beams, wooden pillars walled with Hanji wallpapers, and ribs of lattice doors. There is a clean bathroom in each room. The yard is the place the owner couple cherishes the most. Guests can enjoy the yard in any room just by opening the door. It is a combination of jar stands, a small pine tree, and small potted plants. Different flowers bloom from spring through autumn. It is such a pleasure to sit on the porch and appreciate the scene. In autumn, the persimmon tree bears fruits and dried persimmons hang from the eaves.

Route Baramsseoneun-gil (바람쐬는길)

Route Baramsseoneun-gil (바람쐬는길)

548.4494205822111m    0     2024-04-08

21, Baramsseoneun-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

La route Baramsseoneun-gil désigne la route entre Jeonju Eco Museum et le tunnel Hanbyeok. Le nom de la route provient du ventqui souffle le long de la route, faisant de l'endroit un endroit conseillé pour les promenades.

La route a également été choisie par le KTO comme l'un des meilleurs chemins à parcourir avec son animal de compagnie. On trouve aussi une station de prêt de vélo situé le long du chemin. Le tunnel Hanbyeok est connu en tant que lieu de tournage du drama "Twenty-five Twenty-one (2022)".

Centre culturel de kimchi dans le village hanok de Jeonju (전주한옥마을 전주김치문화관)

Centre culturel de kimchi dans le village hanok de Jeonju (전주한옥마을 전주김치문화관)

560.0589049641071m    5262     2024-04-07

29, Eojin-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Le centre des expériences de vie traditionnelles de jeonju est un guest house situé dans le village de hanok de Jeonju. Les visiteurs peuvent y vivre une expérience unique de la vie en habitat traditionnel. Le centre était à l’origine une résidence de noble construite durant la dynastie Joseon (1392-1910) aujourd’hui reconstruite, elle accueille de nombreux visiteurs notamment des étrangers qui peuvent y découvrir le côté traditionnel de la Corée. L’habitat a perdu de son côté vetuste mais y a gagné en comfort. Les visiteurs peuvent s’amuser à découper le bois pour alimenter le système traditionnel de chauffage. Il s’agit du ondol, un système de chauffage qui irradie l’ensemble du sol par dessous. Les visiteurs dorment sur des petits matelas à même le sol où il est bon de se prélasser durant les journées froide d’hiver.
Dans ce guest house, les hôtes peuvent également apprendre des chansons traditionnelles, y prendre le thé, ou encore faire du vélo autour de la propriété. Les repas sont compris dans le prix de l’hébergement.

Village de hanok de Jeonju [Ville lente] (전주한옥마을 [슬로시티])

569.9489709101791m    16116     2024-04-08

29, Eojin-gil, Wonsan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Ce village traditionnel situé dans la ville de Jeonju s’étend sur une partie des quartiers Pungnam-dong and Gyo-dong et compte près de 800 maisons traditionnelles ou « hanok ». Alors que le reste de la ville a été modernisée, ce village dans la ville est resté tel quel et conserve toujours ses anciennes traditions.

La beauté du village de hanok de Jeonju réside principalement dans l’élégance des courbures de ses toits. Les bords des toits remontent légèrement vers le ciel, c’est la particularité des hanok. Généralement les hanok se divisent en deux parties dénommées anchae et sarangchae ; le anchae étant le domaine réservé à la femme et donc meublé en conséquence, le sarangchae étant la partie où réside l’homme. Alors que hommes et femmes vivaient séparement, le anchae se situait au fond de la maison, dans une partie plus calme et en retrait. Une autre caractèristique des hanok est le ondol, un système de chauffage par le sol. En effet, les Coréens s’asseyaient, mangeaient et dormaient sur le sol, ce système de chauffage était finalement nécessaire.
La structure du ondol, se compose de plusieurs foyers situés sous le sol surélevé de la maison, la chaleur émise par ces foyers chemine dans un circuit couvrant la surface des pièces.
L’architecture des hanok assuraient donc la chaleur pour les hivers rigoureux mais apporter aussi de la fraîcheur l’été avec une pièce centrale composée de plancher.

Inyeon Hanok (인연)

Inyeon Hanok (인연)

634.3465105069629m    4407     2024-07-01

36, Hanji-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

The Korea's largest "hanok (traditional Korean house)" village in the middle of Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do has been there for hundreds of years. Today, you can see new as well as old houses there. “Inyeon” is one of the traditional Korean houses located near the public parking lot on the outskirts of the hanok village, making it a great place to stay overnight in quiet. The word "inyeon" means "relationship" in Korean, referring to all types of ties with other people. The owner of the guesthouse named the place as such because she is greatful for all the guests and wanted to treat them well. She opened the guesthouse in September 2014. Since then, she has been kind enough to tell her guests which places are good to visit and which foods are delicious. She makes sure all the facilities including sheets and blankets are maintained clean for her guests to have a memorable stay. Built in the 1960's and remodeled in 2008, the traditional house is neat with most of the traditional features. It has four guestrooms named "Apricot Flower", "Orchid", "Chrysenthemum", and "Bamboo". The "Orchid Room" and "Bamboo Room" can accommodate up to seven people. The floor is covered with lacquered traditional Korean paper, and there are a number of traditional items in the room including the Korean gong. The traditional Korean ceiling rafters are visible in all the rooms. All the rooms are furnished with a bathroom, air conditioner, TV, refrigerator, toiletries, and hair dryer. There is a 200-year-old pomegranate tree in the yard, and a table and chairs right in front of it for the guests to relax on a fair day. The table made of an old door and chairs made of a log under the red pomegranates are one of the most outstanding features of this guesthouse. There are lots of traditional items in the yard with which you can play traditional Korean games such as "yutnori" and "jegichagi", all of which can be used by the guests for free.

Jeonju Nanjang (전주난장)

Jeonju Nanjang (전주난장)

650.521431256104m    0     2024-04-08

33-20, Dongmun-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Jeonju Nanjang désigne un musée construit comme un parc thématique situé dans le village des hanok de Jeonju, un endroit idéal pour les prises de photo et les activités autour des traditions de Corée. 

Centre d'exposition de l’artisanat traditionnel de Jeonju (전주공예품전시관 전주명품관)

Centre d'exposition de l’artisanat traditionnel de Jeonju (전주공예품전시관 전주명품관)

665.0181427045875m    4112     2024-04-07

15, Taejo-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Le centre d’exposition de l’artisanat traditionnel de Jeonju permet non seulement aux visiteurs de découvrir la beauté de l’artisanat traditionnel coréen, mais aussi de créer leurs propres créations. Le centre abrite un hall d’exposition, un hall spécial et un hall pour les activités. C’est dans le hall des activités que les visiteurs peuvent créer leurs propres pièces : feuilles de papier de riz, poterie, meunuiserie, broderie etc. Par ailleurs, dans le magasin d’artisanat il est possible d’acheter des pièces faites par des professionnels.