Bukchon-ri Dullegol (북촌리둘레골) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Bukchon-ri Dullegol (북촌리둘레골)

Bukchon-ri Dullegol (북촌리둘레골)

11.0 Km    96     2021-03-19

44 Insadong 14-gil Jongno-gu Seoul

A restaurant with Korean traditional house-themed interior design. The representative menu is Korean table d''hote. This is a Korean cuisine located in Insa-dong, Seoul.

Samho Bokjip - Sinchon Branch (삼호복집 신촌)

Samho Bokjip - Sinchon Branch (삼호복집 신촌)

11.0 Km    93     2021-03-19

10, Yonsei-ro 5da-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

A blowfish specialty restaurant located in Sinchon, Seoul. A restaurant specializing in blowfish dishes. The most famous menu is tiger puffer fish.

Seongcheon Makguksu (성천막국수)

Seongcheon Makguksu (성천막국수)

11.0 Km    56     2021-03-29

48, Jeonnong-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul

It is a 100-year-old store that has been loved by customers for a long time while maintaining its reputation for over 30 years. The best menu at this restaurant is buckwheat noodles. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul.

Yunine Matjip (유니네맛집)

Yunine Matjip (유니네맛집)

11.0 Km    41     2021-03-25

159, Yangsan-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul

As a place where you can eat at low prices, this restaurant is loved by local residents. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul. The representative menu is banquet noodles.

Parc Sejongno (세종로공원)

Parc Sejongno (세종로공원)

11.0 Km    16326     2021-08-31

Séoul, Jongro-gu, Sejongdae-ro sous-sol 189

Le parc Sejongno est situé près du centre des arts du spectacle Sejong au coeur de Séoul. A l’intérieur du parc, vosu trouverez des bancs en bois et des espaces ombragés pour vous détendre. Vous trouvez également des fontaines d’eau, une scène extérieure, et diverses sculptures. Beaucoup de gens se rendent dans ce parc durant le weekend pour profiter d’un moment de détente. Durant le weekend, le parc sert aussi de lieu de tournage et de photos pour les jeunes mariés.

Le poème ‘Bulnor’ du poète Ju Yo-han est sculpté sur une stèle commémorative à l’intérieur du parc

Jirisan Restaurant (지리산)

Jirisan Restaurant (지리산)

11.0 Km    27614     2019-08-01

30, Insadong 14-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Jirisan is one of the representative Korean restaurants in Insa-dong, an area known for its traditional culture. One of the trademarks of this restaurant, besides its amazingly delectable bean and tofu dishes, is a wooden sign that welcome guests into a neat and cozy interior.

Each day, fresh beans are ground at the restaurant to prepare dishes such as soybean paste, soft tofu, and bean-curd tofu stew. Bean-curds are prepared by using seawater, which gives the tofu a unique flavor. The fresh and clean taste of the tofu is one of the many reasons that choosey tofu aficionados flock to the restaurant.

Not just limited to tofu, Jirisan presents customers with a full-range of side dishes such as kimchi, japchae (glass noodles with sautéed vegetables), cucumber kimchi, seasoned seaweed, braised lotus roots, roasted yellow corbinas (a type of fish), leafy greens, bean-curd stew, and more. The restaurant gives visitors a chance to experience a hearty traditional Korean-style meal, but has thoughtfully toned down its seasonings to appeal to a wider audience (particularly those not used to spicy foods).

One of the recommended menu items is the Jirisan set meal, which offers diners the chance to sample foods that are popular in the Jirisan region. Adventurous diners may want to try the sea urchin soup or dried Pollack soup.

The restaurant, originally a traditional Korean house, has been modified over the years to better suit the needs of its customers. The walls surrounding the structure were removed and a glass ceiling was installed to allow guests to enjoy the natural light of the sun as they sample some of the area’s best traditional Korean cuisine.

Musée de l'Histoire de Corée (대한민국역사박물관)

Musée de l'Histoire de Corée (대한민국역사박물관)

11.0 Km    2181     2022-12-14

Séoul, Jongno-gu, Sejongdae-ro 198

대한민국역사박물관은 19세기 말 개항기부터 오늘날에 이르는 대한민국의 역사를 종합적·체계적으로 보여주는 국내 최초의 국립 근현대사박물관이다. 종로구 세종대로에 있는 대한민국역사박물관은 옛 문화체육관광부 건물을 리모델링하여 건립한 지상 8층 건물로, 4개의 상설전시실과 2개의 기획전시실로 이루어져 있다. 이 밖에 세미나실, 강의실, 카페, 문화 상품점, 옥상 정원 등도 갖추고 있다.

Nolbu Budaejjigae Bwipye Sinchon(놀부부대찌개뷔폐 신촌)

Nolbu Budaejjigae Bwipye Sinchon(놀부부대찌개뷔폐 신촌)

11.0 Km    42     2020-11-26

23 Yonsei-ro Seodaemun-gu Seoul

This is a house where you can have all the Budaejjigae (spicy sausage stew) you can eat. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul. The representative menu is sausage stew.

Dakbalmeogeun Saeu Sinchon Direct(닭발먹은새우 신촌직영)

Dakbalmeogeun Saeu Sinchon Direct(닭발먹은새우 신촌직영)

11.0 Km    49     2020-11-20

8-3 Yonsei-ro 5ga-gil Seodaemun-gu Seoul

This is a place that sells chicken feet with adjustable spice levels. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul. The most famous menu is chicken feet.

Woorikyubang (우리규방)

Woorikyubang (우리규방)

11.0 Km    2817     2019-03-26

11, Duteopbawi-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul-si

Le Woorikyubang est un centre offrant des cours sur l'artisanat coréen situé dans le quartier Gwanhun-dong au centre de Séoul. Il organise aussi des ateliers permettant aux visiteurs de découvrir par eux-mêmes les disciplines de l'artisanat coréen.

Chimseon (broderie), la fabrication de Bojagi (toile pour envelopper des vivres ou objets) et la fabrication de noeuds traditionnels sont juste quelques uns des programmes disponibles. La plupart des cours sont de longue durée, durant au moins deux mois. La plupart des classes ont une limite de huit personnes, renseignez vous donc et réservez bien à l'avance. Tous les cours se déroulent en coréen uniquement, il faudra peut être donc vous faire accompagner par quelqu'un qui puisse traduire.