Pajeongjip (파전집) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Pajeongjip (파전집)

Pajeongjip (파전집)

442.6660337961167m    94     2021-04-13

27, Donhwamun-ro 11-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

A great store to visit on a rainy day. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The representative menu is assorted savory pancakes.

Nuri (누리)

Nuri (누리)

445.7361838646189m    7603     2019-11-26

23, Insadong 14-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Located in the neighborhood of Insa-dong, traditional Korean lunch box and tea restaurant Nuri brings out the true beauty of hanok while implementing western dining culture with tables and chairs.

Nuri uses the finest grains directly from agricultural regions throughout the country, offering nutritious rice along with mildly seasoned side dish menus, taking advantage of the ingredients' natural flavors. Nuri uses its effective take-out and delivery system to cater to businesses and events.

Seonggyeong Mndu Yori Jeonmunjeom - Jongno Branch(성경만두요리전문점 종로)

Seonggyeong Mndu Yori Jeonmunjeom - Jongno Branch(성경만두요리전문점 종로)

446.76578282666867m    193     2021-04-14

88, Supyo-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

White jeongol (Korean-style hot pot) is soup cooked with dumplings and vegetables. The best menu at this restaurant is dumpling hot pot. This is a Korean cuisine located in Cheonggyecheon Stream, Seoul.

Insadong Sagwanamu (인사동사과나무)

Insadong Sagwanamu (인사동사과나무)

446.7031791212682m    174     2021-03-29

24-1, Insadong 14-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

This is where you can dine on the outdoor terrace. This restaurant's signature menu is steak. This Western dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

Temple Jogyesa de Séoul (조계사(서울))

Temple Jogyesa de Séoul (조계사(서울))

449.38103402143787m    17674     2021-12-22

55, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul-si

Le temple Jogyesa est un temple bouddhiste zen en Corée qui a la particularité d’être situé en plein centre-ville de Séoul. Jogyesa se situe dans une rue perpendiculaire aux rues illuminées de Jongno, et à la rue menant à la station Anguk, non loin de la rue d'Insadong.
La première chose que l'on remarque en entrant dans le temple, ce sont les arbres qui font face au bâtiment principal âgés de plus de 500 ans. Un de ces arbres mesure 26 mètres de haut et procure en été un ombrage apaisant.
Le temple a servi dès 1910 de résidence principale pour le moine Han Yong-un. Le bâtiment principal érigé en 1938 est majestueux, décoré de nombreuses couleurs. A l’intérieur se trouve une statue du bouddha Sakyamuni. A l’extérieur, en face, se trouve une pagode de sept étages contenant des reliques de bouddha.
Le temple Jogyesa ne possède pas cette atmosphère solennelle que l’on peut retrouver dans les temples situés en montagne qui offrent par exemple une vue panoramique sur la montagne ou sur la mer. Mais, situé en ville, il est facile d’accès et convient aux visiteurs à l’emploi du temps serré. A proximité du temple se trouvent des petites boutiques spécialisées dans la vente d'articles bouddhistes (chapelets, écrits, encens, etc) mais également des souvenirs tels que des poupées et des porte-clés. Les personnes intéressées par le bouddhisme y trouveront certainement leur bonheur.

Jongno Yugane Yukoebindaetteok(종로유가네육회빈대떡)

Jongno Yugane Yukoebindaetteok(종로유가네육회빈대떡)

453.44564200630083m    165     2021-04-10

86, Supyo-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

A restaurant with over 30 years’ tradition. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The most famous menu is sliced raw beef.

Sarangchae (사랑채)

457.4018626693393m    9622     2016-12-30

6, Insadong 16-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Sarangchae is located in Insa-dong, one of the most famous neighborhoods visited by tourists. Majority of the restaurant's customers are foreigners, and they offer reasonably priced Korean dishes that are highly popular among foreign visitors.

Bukchon-ri Dullegol (북촌리둘레골)

Bukchon-ri Dullegol (북촌리둘레골)

460.67209864455515m    96     2021-03-19

44 Insadong 14-gil Jongno-gu Seoul

A restaurant with Korean traditional house-themed interior design. The representative menu is Korean table d''hote. This is a Korean cuisine located in Insa-dong, Seoul.



462.53909756051996m    14685     2021-04-19

27, Insadong 14-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Nwijo (뉘조) is a Korean restaurant specializing in wild vegetable cuisine. The name ‘Nwijo’ means ‘the god of the silkworm,’ and likens wild vegetables to silkworms in that both can be eaten in their entirety. The restaurant serves original full-course Korean meals that are prepared using hundreds of kinds of wild vegetables, including special seasonal vegetables.

A typical full-course meal starts with delicious pumpkin porridge, followed by seasoned wild vegetables, root vegetable ssam (condiments wrapped in vegetable leaves), slices of boiled meat, and steamed lotus leaf-wrapped rice served with jjigae (Korean stew) and various side dishes. This kind of traditional feast is pleasing to both the eye and the palate and is topped off with sikhye (traditional sweet rice drink). Lunch specials are also available.



474.8897249506703m    149     2021-03-18

46, Dadong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul

This Japanese cuisine is located near Euljiro 1(il)ga Station, Seoul. The representative menu is pork cutlet. A restaurant serving Japanese-style pork cutlet.