Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)

  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)
  • Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach (정동진해변)


Jeongdongjinhaebyeon Beach is a nice, sandy beach with three major swimming spots: in front of Jeongdongjin Station, by Sandglass Park, and by the Jeongdongjin Breakwater. The spots near the railway station and by the park are more popular because they are spacious and easy to reach. The numerous rocks in front of Jeongdongjin Station are home to shellfish, mussels, sea urchins, and edible seaweed.

Jeondongjin Station is known to be one of the stations closest to the ocean in the world. It is also a well-known sunrise spot, attracting crowds of sunrise spectators. The Jeongdongjin Sunrise Tourist Train has become a crowd favorite as well, ever since its premiere run in 1997.




Information Use

Years experience : Open to visitors of all ages

Contact and Information : +82-33-640-4604

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Hours : Open 24 hr

More information

Admission Fees


17 Jeongdongyeok-gil, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do